Genetic DNA Profiling

  • Genetic Screening For Drug Response And Adverse Drug Reactions.
  • Benefits Of Dtect PGx Tests:
    *Obtain optimal drug therapy from the start.
    *Avoid trial-and-error treatment approch.
    *Reduce treatment failures.
    *Minimise negative side effects.
    *Save time and reduce costs.
    *Help with future medication need, if necessary.
  • Know More ? Content Us

Type Of Dtect PGx Tests

serveral Dtect PGx tests are available for a range of commonly prescribed drugs: Dtect PGx Pain & Immunology For drug used to reat pain and immunological caondition:

For example of :Antifolates, Anifungals, Fibromyalgia Agents, Immunomodulators, Immunosupressant, Muscle Relaxants, NSAIDs, Opioids

Dtect PGx Cardio & Diabetes

For drugs used to treat cardiovascular diseases and diabetes:

For example of : Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists, Antianginal Agents, Antianginal Agent, Anticoagulants, Antiplateles, Beta Blockers Statins, Sulfonylures

Dtect PGx Cardio & Urology

For drugs used to treat gastrointestinal and urological disorders:

For example of : 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors for benign prostaic Hyperplasia, Antispasmodics for Overactive Bladder,Antiemetics, Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors for Erectil Dtsfunction, Proton pump inhibitors,

Dtect PGx Mental Health

For drugs used to treat mental health-related conditions :

For example of : Anti-ADHD Agent,Antiaddictives, Antimentia Agents,Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Antiseizure(anticonvulsants), Benzodiazepins